Anime, a delightful animation style that sprouted from the heart of Japan, brings joy to life in enchanting television series and films! Bursting with creativity, it dazzles us with its signature art style featuring –
- 🌈 Vibrant colors that leap off the screen
- 👀 Expressive large eyes that can convey a world of emotions
- 💇♂️ Wild and whimsical hairstyles that spark imagination
- 🤸 Long limbs and arms full of gracefulness and agility
- 🎥 Dramatic close-ups and zooming action that keep us on the edge of our seats
- ✨ Intense lighting that adds drama to every scene
- 🎨 Meticulously detailed animation where every frame is a work of art
Today, Anime is among the most widely enjoyed entertainment genres across the world. While it has a long-standing history, its popularity in the United States has surged over the past two decades. Popularity of this creative animation style is increasing everyday in the US as well as many other countries in the world. A significant portion of its fanbase comprises children, who are particularly drawn to this vibrant form of animation. Consequently, anime culture permeates various media platforms, including television, films, social media channels, fan fiction, memes, and beyond.
Why is Anime So Popular in the United States?
Anime has become a global phenomenon, with a massive following outside of Japan. While Japan remains the birthplace and epicenter of anime culture, there are several countries where the art form has gained a strong foothold. One notable country where anime is incredibly popular is the United States. American fans have embraced anime wholeheartedly, attending conventions, creating fan art, and even influencing mainstream media.
Anime’s popularity in America has been steadily rising over the past few decades, with many factors contributing to its widespread appeal. One reason for the surge in popularity is the accessibility of anime through streaming services like Crunchyroll and Funimation, allowing fans to easily access a wide range of titles at their convenience.
Additionally, the unique art style and diverse storytelling in anime has piqued the interest of American audiences who are looking for something different from traditional Western animation. The growing influence of conventions like Comic-Con and Anime Expo has also played a role in bringing anime to a wider audience, creating a sense of community and fandom around the medium. Overall, the rise of anime’s popularity in America can be attributed to a combination of accessibility, unique storytelling, and a strong sense of community among fans.
Top Countries where Anime is Popular
Another country where anime has a dedicated fanbase is South Korea. Korean viewers have a strong affinity for Japanese animation, leading to successful collaborations between the two countries. Additionally, countries like China, France, and Italy have also seen a surge in anime fandom, proving that the appeal of this unique art form transcends borders. Below are the top 100 countries where Anime is very popular –
- China
- Egypt
- Yemen
- Finland
- Central African Republic
- Uruguay
- Albania
- Luxembourg
- Kiribati
- San Marino
- Anguilla
- Cook Islands
- Argentina
- Syria
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Peru
- Sweden
- Liberia
- Vietnam
- Chile
- Mongolia
- Malta
- Norway
- Kuwait
- Lithuania
- Bermuda
- Bolivia
- Paraguay
- India
- Netherlands
- Portugal
- Singapore
- Lesotho
- Iraq
- Dominican Republic
- Guinea Bissau
- Cuba
- Denmark
- Qatar
- Marshall Islands
- Bangladesh
- Spain
- Panama
- Moldova
- Faroe Islands
- United Kingdom
- Somalia
- Azerbaijan
- Libya
- New Zealand
- Cyprus
- Australia
- United Arab Emirates
- Saint Martin
- Malaysia
- Austria
- Switzerland
- Mauritania
- Costa Rica
- Sri Lanka
- United States
- Thailand
- France
- Sudan
- Jordan
- Belarus
- Slovakia
- Ireland
- French Guiana
- DR Congo
- Morocco
- Venezuela
- Lebanon
- Canada
- Ivory Coast
- Greece
- Estonia
- Samoa
- Jersey
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Russia
- Turkey
- Nepal
- Czech Republic
- Hungary
- Palestine
- Slovenia
- Latvia
- Algeria
- Ukraine
- Romania
- Ecuador
- Cambodia
- Jamaica
- Germany
- Myanmar
- Saudi Arabia
- Belgium
- El Salvador
- Iceland